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I can't play a video

What should I do if a video doesn't work?

Written by Coralie HSIEH
Updated over a week ago

You have signed up for one of our training courses, but the video you want to watch is not working. Don't worry, we have put together some information to help you.

If you are not using Chrome or Firefox, try reloading the video again in one of these browsers.

What should you do if you see an error message when you try to play a video on our site?

Contact our support team by sending a message to We will try to fix the problem as quickly as possible.

What should you do if your video is taking a long time to load?

A video's load time depends on the strength of your internet connection.

If your connection is not fast enough to allow you to watch the video immediately, try pausing it. This way, the video will have time to load and you will be able to do other things while you wait!

You can also download any video from the "Downloads" tab on your course homepage. This way, you can watch the videos offline, whenever you want.

What should you do if you are completing your training course at work?

Your company's internet policy might restrict access to certain sites such as Vimeo. If this is the case, you will probably see an error message which tells you this. Ro solve this problem, speak to your manager, or your company's IT department.

What should you do if you are completing your training course from home?

First check your internet connection. If you are connected to the internet, but you are still having issues watching videos, take a look at Vimeo's FAQ page. Vimeo is the site where all our videos are hosted. You can access this page at the following link.

If the problem persists, please contact our support team by writing to

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